Explain the role and functions of council in a simple way
Access to Information. Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009
The page hosts all agendas and minutes of Council meetings.
To advertise positions vacant at Goulburn Mulwaree Council
Find councillor contact information through this page
Find information regarding financial assistance grants or ClubGRANTS.
Please return all completed forms and supporting evidence to council@goulburn.nsw.gov.au
Find our operational plan & budget, annual report, community strategic plan and other strategic documents.
Provide information for individuals and businesses looking to relocate or invest in Goulburn
Pay your rates or water notices.
Search Goulburn Mulwaree Council's adopted policies.
Find Council plans, policies and strategies on public exhibition.
Display all Council Tenders and Expressions of Interest as well as a Register of Contracts established by Council with an expected spend greater than the relevant legislated limit.
To share information on the Goulburn Mulwaree Youth Council
Local Government elections were held on 14 September 2024.The Office of Local Government (OLG) has launched a dedicated webpage to provide information and resources for candidates, councils, and councillors in the lead up to the elections and following the elections.