Access to Information

1. Overview

Access to information - Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009

Council is committed to openness, accountability and transparency and has a pro-active approach to providing information to the public.

2. Open Access

Certain information, referred to as open access information, must be published free of charge. You can refer to Council’s Agency Information Guide for a list of this information.

NOTE: Due to limitations of Council's resources, open access information may not be available on Council’s website. For information not available on the website please contact Council's Governance team on (02) 4823 4444.


3. Property Information Request

Council is able to release information relating to a property such as development consents, construction certificates, occupation certificates and inspections subject to legislative requirements under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) and the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018 (GIPA). Plans and reports may be subject to copyright restrictions. The Property Information Request form must be completed to access the information.

Property Information Request form(PDF, 272KB)

Access to Development Applications Pre 1 July 2010

Development applications received, or records of decisions made before 1 July 2010 (as well as associated documents and records of decision) are not classified as open access documents under the GIPA Act and the GIPA Reg. To view/obtain copies of these documents the current property owner’s written consent is required with this application and fees and charges apply. Where the property is owned by a company, an ASIC report is required to show you can act on behalf of the company.

Access to Development Applications Post 1 July 2010

Development applications received, or records of decisions made after 1 July 2010 are classified as open access documents under the GIPA Act and GIPA Reg. This means any member of the public is able to view/obtain copies of these documents without permission from the property owner with this application.


Some property, building and/or development files managed by Council include documents/plans/reports written/drafted by a third party. These documents are submitted to Council as additional information required for the assessment of the development and may be subject to copyright. To manage such information, Council has obligations under the GIPA Act, Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and Copyright Act 1968. Access to this information will only be provided with written consent of the copyright owner.

Note: Access to floor plans will only be provided with the current property owner’s consent.


4. Informal Release

Council is authorised to release government information held in response to an informal written request unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure of the information.


5. Formal Access Application

If information can't be accessed through any other avenue, for example personal or business information about a third party, a Formal Access Application can be submitted.

The requirements for making a valid access application are:

  • it must be in writing on Council’s Formal Access Application Form and sent to or lodged at Council;
  • it must clearly indicate that it is an access application made under the GIPA Act;
  • it must be accompanied by a $30 application fee;
  • it must state a postal address for correspondence in connection with the application;
  • it must include sufficient detail to identify the information being sought.

Decisions made in response to formal applications can be reviewed.

Formal Access Application Form(PDF, 374KB)

Tips for Framing your Access Application(PDF, 164KB)

GIPA Disclosure Log(PDF, 122KB)

6. Agency Information Guide

Agencies must have an agency information guide. Council’s Agency Information Guide can be found below:

Agency Information Guide(PDF, 576KB)


7. Disclosures by Councillors and Designated Persons

In accordance with Council's Code of Conduct, Councillors and designated persons are required to submit a disclosure of pecuniary interests return each year. Information contained in returns is publicly available in accordance with the requirements of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

Returns for Councillors are available below:

2324 Disclosure Mayor Nina Dillion(PDF, 46MB)

2324 Disclosure Deputy Mayor Caitlin Flint(PDF, 29MB)

2324 Disclosure Councillor Robert Kirk(PDF, 6MB)

2425 Disclosure Councillor Elizabeth McKeon(PDF, 6MB)

2324 Disclosure Councillor Christopher O'Mahony(PDF, 22MB)

2324 Disclosure Councillor Michael Prevedello(PDF, 4MB)

2324 Disclosure Councillor Jason Shepherd(PDF, 854KB)

2324 Disclosure Councillor Keith Smith(PDF, 21MB)

2324 Disclosure Councillor Daniel Strickland(PDF, 5MB)


Returns for designated persons are available below:

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Director Assets and Operations(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Director Corporate and Community Services(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Director Planning and Environment(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Director Utilities(PDF, 833KB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Business Manager Community Facilities(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Business Manager Environment and Health(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Business Manager Finance and Customer Service(PDF, 993KB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Business Manager Governance(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Business Manager Human Resources(PDF, 10MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Business Manager Infrastructure(PDF, 756KB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Business Manager Innovation and Technology(PDF, 964KB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Business Manager Marketing Events and Culture(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Business Manager Planning and Development(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Business Manager Property and Community Services(PDF, 839KB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Business Manager Strategic Planning(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Business Manager Water Operations(PDF, 888KB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Team Leader Building Surveying(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Team Leader Development Assessment(PDF, 5MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Development, Growth and Infrastructure Coordinator(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Senior Building Surveyor(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Senior Development Assessment Officer 1(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Senior Development Assessment Officer 2(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Senior Development Assessment Officer 3(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Assistant Development Assessment Officer 1(PDF, 19MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Assistant Development Assessment Officer 2(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Senior Strategic Planner 1(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Senior Strategic Planner 2(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Building Surveyor(PDF, 11MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Assistant Building Surveyor(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Economic Development Manager(PDF, 3MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Environmental Health and Compliance Coordinator(PDF, 28MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Senior Environmental Health Officer(PDF, 15MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Environmental Health Officer(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Environment and Biodiversity Assessment Officer(PDF, 13MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Landscape and Heritage Planner(PDF, 28MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Principle Engineer - Program Delivery(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Senior Project Manager(PDF, 4MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Project Engineer(PDF, 2MB)

2324 Disclosure Designated Persons Parks Supervisor(PDF, 4MB)