Councillor Information

1. Overview

The Mayor and Councillors set policy to plan for the current and future needs of the community.  They are not responsible for the day-to-day administration of council or operational matters. This is the role of the General Manager.

The Council, Mayor and Councillors operate under the Local Government Act 1993 (LGA 1993) and a mandatory Code of Conduct .

2. The role of the Mayor and Councillors

The role of the Mayor

The mayor is elected by the Councillors and is recognised as the civic leader of the community.

As part of the leadership role the mayor is involved in advancing community cohesion and promoting civic awareness, and is the principal member and spokesperson for Council, including representing the views of the council as to its local priorities. Promoting partnerships with other key stakeholders is another important role of the mayor.

The mayor presides over the council meetings and manages the conduct of participants at council meetings.

The mayor chairs council meetings, where councillors debate and vote on motions, and manages the conduct of participants at these meetings.

When the mayor is unavailable, a deputy mayor can act as the mayor. The deputy mayor is also elected by the councillors.

The role of a Councillor

The fundamental role of a councillor is to serve the interests of their community as a whole. In the event of a conflict between the public and private interests of the councillor or related persons, the overall public interest must prevail.

The  Local Government Act 1993 (LGA 1993) clearly distinguishes between the roles and responsibilities of councillors and council employees.

As an elected representative, a councillor:

  • Is an active and contributing member of the local government.
  • Makes considered and well-informed decisions.
  • To participate in the development of the integrated planning and reporting framework.
  • To represent the collective interests of residents, ratepayers, and the local community.
  • To facilitate communication between the local community and the Council.
  • To uphold and represent accurately the policies and decisions of the Council.
  • To make all reasonable efforts to acquire and maintain the skills necessary to perform the role of a councillor.
  • Meets formally with other councillors, with an equal voice to make decisions by voting on matters.
  • Is responsible for strategic vision and planning for the future of the local government area to deliver outcomes for their community.
  • Is not responsible for the day-to-day administration of Council, operational matters, or overseeing the work done by local government employees.
  • Cannot direct any Council employees.


3. Contact a Councillor 

Mayor Cr Nina Dillon

 Mayor Nina Dillon Official landscape.jpg  

Phone: 0428 023 998 


  View Mayor Dillon's profile here(PDF, 415KB)

Deputy Mayor Cr Caitlin Flint

Deputy Mayor Caitlin Flint Official landscape.jpg

  Phone: 0457 628 811


Cr Bob Kirk

Cr Bob Kirk Official Landscape.jpg

  Phone: 0419 854 599 


View Cr Kirk's profile here(PDF, 282KB)

Cr Liz McKeon

Cr Liz McKeon Official Landscape.jpg

 Phone: 0473 738 930 


View Cr McKeon's profile here(PDF, 312KB)

Cr Christopher O'Mahony

Cr Christopher O'Mahony Official Landscape.jpg

Phone: 0488 672 763

Email: christopher.o’

 View Cr O'Mahony's profile here(PDF, 304KB)

Cr Michael Prevedello 

Cr Michael Prevedello Official Landscape.jpg

  Phone: 0490 033 792


View Cr Prevedello's profile here(PDF, 317KB)

Cr Jason Shepherd

Cr Jason Shepherd Official Landscape.jpg

  Phone: 0490 036 157 


View Cr Shepherd's profile here(PDF, 293KB)

Cr Keith Smith

Cr Keith Smith Official Landscape.jpg

  Phone: 0491 452 432


View Cr Smith's profile here(PDF, 288KB)

Cr Daniel Strickland

Cr Daniel Strickland Official Landscape.jpg

  Phone: 0490 036 241


 View Cr Strickland's Profile here(PDF, 276KB)
