Recreation Area Committee
To make and direct policy for the management of the Recreation area and to act as a consultative forum for users.
1st Wednesday of the month
1 x Community Representative
Sporting Hall of Fame
To manage Council’s Sporting Hall of Fame function and review Hall of Fame applications.
As required
2 x Community Representatives
Ray Harvey Sports Foundation Committee
To allocate funds to young sports people in our region.
6 monthly - 1st Monday of the month
2 x Community Representatives
Goulburn Rail Trail Steering Committee
The Goulburn Rail Trail Steering Committee was re-established in December 2024, in terms of the NSW Rail Trails Framework (June 2022) to progress the endorsed Goulburn Rail Trail project.
As required
No specified number. Council will determine the membership of this Working Party based upon the suitability of nominees
Community Safety Working Party
Council’s Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Code of Practice requires a working party to evaluate the CCTV Program.
Quarterly or as required
Council Chambers
2 x Community Representatives
Floodplain Mitigation Working Party
To advise Council on the development and implementation of the New South Wales floodplain risk management process across the Goulburn Mulwaree area
As required
Council Chambers
No specified number. Council will determine the membership of this Working Party based upon the suitability of nominees
Bungonia Village Discretionary Fund Working Party
Since 2014 Council has made an annual allocation from the Village Discretionary Fund to the Bungonia Community of $11,269. This Working Party allocated the distribution of these funds. Council will call for community expressions of interest for this Working Party
As required
4 x Community Representatives
Tarago Village Discretionary Fund Working Party
Since 2014 Council has made an annual allocation from the Village Discretionary Fund to the Tarago Community of $14,395. This Working Party allocated the distribution of these funds. This Working Party is managed by the Tarago & District Progress Association.
As required
4 x Community Representatives
Marulan Village Discretionary Fund Working Party
Since 2014 Council has made an annual allocation from the Village Discretionary Fund to the Marulan Community of $27,050. This Working Party allocated the distribution of these funds. Council will call for community expressions of interest for this Working Party
As required
4 x Community Representatives
Parkesbourne Village Discretionary Fund Working Party
Since 2014 Council has made an annual allocation from the Village Discretionary Fund to the Parkesbourne Community of $7,021. This Working Party allocated the distribution of these funds. Council will call for community expressions of interest for this Working Party
As required
4 x Community Representatives
Towrang Village Discretionary Fund Working Party
Since 2014 Council has made an annual allocation from the Village Discretionary Fund to the Towrang Community of $8,879. This Working Party allocated the distribution of these funds. This Working Party is managed by the Towrang Valley Progress Association.
As required
4 x Community Representatives
Middle Arm Discretion Fund Working Party
Since 2014 Council has made an annual allocation from the Village Discretionary Fund to the Middle Arm Community of $6,690. This Working Party allocated the distribution of these funds.
This Working Party is managed by the Middle Arm Rural Fire Service.
As required
4 x Community Representatives
Tallong Discretion Fund Working Party
Since 2014 Council has made an annual allocation from the Village Discretionary Fund to the Tallong Community of $15,369. This Working Party allocated the distribution of these funds.
This Working Party is managed by the Tallong Community Focus Group.
As required
4 x Community Representatives
Windellama Discretion Fund Working Party
Since 2014 Council has made an annual allocation from the Village Discretionary Fund to the Windellama Community of $16,017. This Working Party allocated the distribution of these funds.
This Working Party is managed by the Windellama Progress Association.
As required
4 x Community Representatives
Sustainability Advisory Committee
For the committee to work with nominated elected representatives to strengthen Council’s environmental sustainability practices. The role of the committee is to provide advice and recommendations to maintain, protect and enhance environmental sustainability in line with the Community Strategic Plan.
The number of representatives on the Working Party shall be no less than 7 and no more than 10 and be drawn from those sectors of the community which have expertise and/or experience in sustainability, including but not limited to:
- Climate change
- Emissions reduction
- Waste management
- Biodiversity and natural resource management
- Sustainable food production and systems
- Built environment
- Community engagement and education
Goulburn Mulwaree Award Working Party
Make all decisions relating to receipt, processing, assessment and presentation of the Goulburn Mulwaree Award.
As required
No specified number. Council will determine the membership of this Working Party based upon the suitability of nominees