Youth Council

The Goulburn Mulwaree Youth Council is a group of community minded students between the ages of 12 - 24, who come together on a regular basis to discuss and put together action plans to improve the Goulburn community. The Youth Council focus is on participation and inclusion, and aims to promote a youth voice on Council events and developments. Meetings are modelled on the Goulburn Mulwaree Council meetings with a Youth Mayor elected to lead the group. Formal meeting protocol is followed, with minutes recorded at monthly meetings held in the Goulburn Mulwaree Chambers.



The Youth Council will celebrate its 12th year in September 2020, throughout this time, a meeting has been held monthly without fail. The group is involved with many local initiatives while also connecting Goulburn youth to youth groups state and nationwide. Ideas generated by the Youth Council have grown to become regular community events adopted and supported by community groups more broadly. The group aims to recognise the value and contributions of young people and to equip them with knowledge, skills and training to contribute positively to their community. 

Council's representative for the Youth Council is Councillor Jason Shepherd, and the alternate representative is Deputy Mayor Caitlin Flint.



Goulburn Mulwaree Youth Council initiatives and achievements:

  • Collaboration with external youth services and initiatives: Suicide network, Community Drug Action Team (CDAT) , Anglicare, PCYC, Headspace, Rotary and mission Australia, NSW Youth Council Conference
  • Government lobbying: An important initiative of the Youth Council is to lobby decision makers and to connect youth to political figures and organisations through events such as Candidate debates (Q and A sessions held with local political candidates)
  • Supporting all major local community events and openings eg. Australia Day, Remembrance Day, Clean up Australia Day, Drug Week, Volunteer Christmas Party, Vibesfest Goulburn, Goulburn’s Birthday, Youth Week, Animal Shelter events, Suicide walk, Pictures and Popcorn in the Park, Moonlight movies, Chillin-chillout, Talent Quest band events, scavenger hunts, Mini Day Out, laser tag.
  • Cultural enrichment: development of the Japan Goulburn Friendship Group, involvement in Youth Theatre – Lieder theatre company, Hume Conservatorium
  • Creating action plans to improve community assets and spread awareness of the facilities available to Goulburn Youth:  The Youth Council have been instrumental in the development of assets such as the Aquatic Centre, Adventure Playground, Victoria Park Skate Park and are regular contributors to the Goulburn Social Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan.
  • Training opportunities for Goulburn Youth eg. First aid and metal health awareness programs