Goulburn Historic Waterworks Museum


1. Overview

Goulburn Historic Waterworks Museum is set on the banks of the Wollondilly River at Marsden Weir and provides an insight into the history of Goulburn's early water supply.

Built between 1883-1885, the steam operated pumping facility provided Goulburn's first reticulated water supply. The pump house still contains the original Appleby Bros. Beam Engine, pumps and Galloway Boilers.

This site is the only one of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere and is of national heritage significance. The Appleby Bros. Beam Engine is of dramatic proportion and in operational condition. In an adjoining room, massive electric motors and pumps remain in place from more recent operations. The building also houses a horizontal steam engine built in 1866 by Hick, Hargreaves & Co., Bolton, UK.

Over several years Council staff, with the help of dedicated volunteers, have developed the Waterworks site, which includes the original buildings, steam engine and pumps, into an operational museum. The site allows visitors to experience the 1880's steam beam engine in full operation. A vertical boiler provides steam power to operate the steam engine and pumps. The museum is set in a beautiful location and is an ideal rest stop for lunches and picnickers.

The Waterworks can also be booked for wedding parties, coach tours, and small private functions. An active network of volunteers assist with operations on "steaming days", grounds maintenance, tour guiding, and other roles including historical research.

Opening Hours:

Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday - 10am to 4pm

Open most school and public holidays

Contact Details

Phone: 02 4822 8749
Email: museums@goulburn.nsw.gov.au

Goulburn Historic Waterworks Plan of Management: Adopted October 2021(PDF, 6MB)

2. Apply to hire the Waterworks

Please note before you fill in an application to hire the Goulburn Historic Waterworks it is essential you read the terms and conditions. 

Terms & Conditions for Hire(PDF, 210KB)

Risk Assessment Guide - Goulburn Historic Waterworks(PDF, 108KB)

 Click here to view form.


3.  Group visit application

Click here to view form.