Coronavirus update: Council response
Published on 16 March 2020
Goulburn Mulwaree Council encourages community members to stay up to date with information provided by the Australian Federal Government Department of Health, we will be following their instructions and guidelines.
At this stage Council facilities remain open as normal, however a late report will be put to Council tomorrow night (Tuesday 17th March) for consideration as we move forward. This report will include recommendations for upcoming Council events, use of Council facilities and ongoing business in the coming weeks, and a report with updates and recommendations will go to Council at each fortnightly meeting regarding Coronavirus until further notice.
Where possible we are supplying hand sanitiser for use by our staff and customers, and all bathrooms and public toilets are of course equipped with soap. We will also be putting up signage as part of the Federal Government communication response.
Our number one priority, should the virus escalate in our region, will be maintaining provision of essential services such as water and wastewater services, along with waste collection.
As the community is aware, toilet paper is in high demand, and we have been losing a lot from our public toilets which is rather disappointing. We are now replacing all our toilet roll holders with chains and padlocks.
Council will keep the community informed on a regular basis, and the late report for Councillors to consider tomorrow night will be made available to the public and media tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday 17th March).