Council Meeting Briefs – 2 August 2022
Published on 04 August 2022
Wakefield Park Mayoral Minute
Goulburn Mulwaree Council has resolved to continue working with the Benalla Auto Club and the NSW State Government to secure the long-term future of Wakefield Park Raceway, that balances the needs of the facility and the community.
Mayor Peter Walker introduced a Mayoral Minute outlining Council’s activities since the last Council meeting, including a summary of correspondence sent to a number of NSW State Government Ministers and Shadow Ministers.
Goulburn to Crookwell Rail Trail
A Goulburn-Crookwell Rail Trail steering committee will be established, tasked with investigating all options and opportunities for rail trail development between Goulburn and Crookwell.
Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s CEO Aaron Johansson will prepare terms of reference for the steering committee, which will include Cr Bob Kirk and Cr Michael Prevedello. Council will seek expressions of interest from the community to serve on the committee, with nominations to close on Tuesday 23 August 2022.
Council will also seek funding for the development of a new rail trail business case, under the Regional NSW – Business Case and Strategy Development Fund.
Policies on Exhibition
Council resolved to place the following policies on public exhibition for 28 days:
- Public Art Policy
- Event Development Funding Policy
- Goulburn Regional Art Gallery: Exhibitions, Acquisitions, Education and Public Programs Policy
- Library Collection Development Policy
- Library Membership Policy
- Hardship Policy
- Pensioner Rebate Policy
- Special Industrial Water Pricing Policy
- Undetected Water Leakage Policy
Request for Assistance – Lions Club of Marulan
Goulburn Mulwaree Council has waived 50% of the Marulan Hall fees for the Lions Club of Marulan and District. In acknowledgement of the active role that the Lions Club plays in the local community, Council waived $1,690 in hire fees from the Marulan Hall.
Tarago Lead Contamination update
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) provided Councillors with an update on the lead contamination issue at Tarago. TfNSW are planning on holding community information sessions in August 2022 to seek input from the Tarago community, and provide updates on the next steps.
For ongoing updates on TfNSW’s remediation work in Tarago, go to:
Tribe Breweries Section 64 Developer Charges
Goulburn Mulwaree Council approved the annual charge of developer fees for the 2021-22 financial year for Tribe Breweries, after it met local employment milestones.
As at 30 June 2022, Tribe Breweries employed 66 staff that reside within the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Government Area. This level of employment fulfils the requirements for their reduced water and sewer developer charges.
Establishment of a joint Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
Goulburn Mulwaree Council has adopted the joint Audit Risk and Improvement Committee charter, as presented and adopted by the Canberra Region Joint Organisation Board (CRJO).
A Manager of Audit and Risk and Improvement position, to be shared between Goulburn Mulwaree, Upper Lachlan Shire and Yass Valley councils, and the CRJO, will now be advertised, with the potential to expand into other CRJO member councils.
Water sharing submission
Goulburn Mulwaree Council will lodge a submission on the draft Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River Sources 2023.
Water sharing plans provide sustainable and integrated management of the water sources and provide a legal basis for sharing water between the environment and water extractors.
This submission will outline Council’s support for the draft plan, focusing on Council’s town water extraction licences.