Council Meeting Briefs - 15th September 2020
Published on 16 September 2020
Rezoning to residential – Mistful Park
Council resolved to prepare this planning proposal that would rezone this significant portion of land to R2 Low Density Residential with 700m2 minimum allotment size.
Lansdowne Street Planning Proposal
Council proceeded in rezoning land fronting Robinson Street R5 Large Lot Residential with a minimum lot size of 1000m2. No amendment was made to land fronting Lansdowne Street, Goulburn which will remain B6 Enterprise Corridor.
Expression of Interest – Council Irrigation Farm
A number of decisions were made regarding future use of Council Irrigation Farm land:
- The farm will remain in Council ownership
- A portion will be leased to Goulburn Campdraft Association and Riding for Disabled Goulburn at a minimal lease fee. They will be responsible for any costs associated with their use of the land.
- Council will develop a concept for establishment of an environmental reserve around the immediate ponds area on Gorman Road
- Council will continue preparing a subdivision on two lots fronting Taralga Road. This land has been identified as future residential land.
- Council will contact the three submitters for EOIs for the public/private partnership and seek an update on their proposals, and that they present to a Council briefing on Tuesday 13 October.
- Council will not proceed with a cemetery on the Gorman Road site.
2020/21 Local Heritage Grant program
$31,800 was allocated across thirteen projects including for varied projects including roof replacement, painting, stonework repairs and window replacement. Eight applications were also placed on a reserve list.
2020/2021 Goulburn CBD Grants
$25,000 was allocated for ten projects, which will all see painting undertaken on buildings within the CBD, all located within the Heritage Conservation Area. Total value of the projects is $112,271, and the colour schemes will be approved by Council prior to works.
Copford Reach Upgrade
A working party will be established to report back on opportunity for redevelopment of the Copford Reach reserve and waterway. It will include Cr Banfield & Cr Peter Walker, a member of the Goulburn Barefoot Waterski Club and two community representatives.
Marulan South Road - Upgrade
Council endorsed the Heads of Agreement with Boral Cement for the upgrade of Marulan South Road. Value of the works is estimated at $5.5 million.
Veolia Host Fee
Council acknowledged the generous and valued contributions provided by Veolia to the wider Goulburn Mulwaree community. The Mayor and General Manager will continue discussions on the renegotiating of the Host Fee arrangement with Veolia for their Woodlawn facility.