Council Meeting Briefs - 17th May 2022
Published on 18 May 2022
Design & construction of amenities at sporting facilities
Council awarded this tender for new and upgraded amenities at North Park and Goulburn Regional Hockey Complex to ARW Multigroup, for the price of $3,028,359. Councli approved allocation of an additional $832,828 from the General unrestricted cash reserve for delivery of this project.
Capital Works – water infrastructure contract extension
Council approved an additional two years for Killard Infrstructure, for construction of capital works on water infrastructure.
Red Hills Road load limit
Council will impose a 5 tonne load limit on red Hills Road North. Residents of Red Hills Road North and school buses will be exempt from the load limit, and Council will initiate periodic load monitoring to verify compliance.
Australian Local Government Association Advocacy
Council resolved to support the national funding priorities of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), which would contribute an estimated $6.46 billion per year to Australia’s GDP and create 43,444 jobs. These priorities are based around economic recovery, transport and community infrastructure, building resiliance and the circular economy.
Local Government NSW 2022 Annual Conference
Mayor Walker, Cr Steve Ruddell and Cr Bob Kirk will attend this conference in the Hunter Valley, along with the Chief Executive Officer.
Request for financial assistance – St Vincent de Paul Goulburn
Council will provide support to St Vincent de Paul Goulburn in the form of a cash donation for $3,500.
Councillor remuneration and supernannuation
The annual Councillor and Mayoral fee be increased to $21,100 and $46,040 (respectively) effective from 1 July 2022 in accordance with the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal Annual Report and Determination of 20 April 2022.
Additional Special Variation
Council will make immediate application for a one off 2.5% increase in rating revenue for 2022/23. The special variation is required to ensure Council maintain its rating revenue based on the Long Term Financial Plan, and to ensure income keeps pace with increases in costs including construction costs, technology supplier costs (including cyber-security) and insurances.