Council Meeting Briefs - 17th November 2020
Published on 18 November 2020
14 Lot Subdivision – 30B Sloane Street
Council approved this subdivision subject to a number of conditions which can be viewed in the minutes of the meeting, including new footpaths, road widening along with kerb and gutter, a stormwater management facility, and a number of other inclusions.
Planning Proposal – Wingello Park
Council will amend this planning proposal to apply it only to the portion of the site localted within Goulburn Mulwaree LGA, and endorsed it as an item of environmental heritage.
Planning Proposal – RU6 Transition Zone
Council endorsed this planning proposal to amend the Goulburn Mulwaree (GM) Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2009 to include the RU6 Transition Zone in Clause 4.1AA (2) and Clause 4.2B (2) as a zone to which these Clauses apply.
Cookbundoon Pavilion Upgrade
Council awarded this tender for the new Cookbundoon Amenities Pavilion to ARW Multigroup for $1,008,672. The name Ray Harvey will be retained on the new pavilion which will include 6 change rooms, function room, canteen, officials change room, public toilets, storeroom and office.
2019/20 Audited Financial Statements
The Audited Financial Statements for the year ending 30 June 2020 were received and the Financial Position of Council was noted.