Council Meeting Briefs - 18th August 2020
Published on 19 August 2020
Draft Strategic Planning Statement
The Local Strategic Planning Statement was adopted by Council following a public exhibition period in which thirteen submissions were received.
Expression of Interest – Effluent use for the upgraded Marulan Wastewater Treatment Plant
Council accepted without prejudice the EOI from Boral to receive effluent from the proposed Marulan Wastewater Scheme for use at their Peppertree Quarry and authorised the General Manager to continue negotiations to ensure any required capital infrastructure and operations of supply of effluent to Boral is at their cost.
Jerrara Road Storm Damage
Council approved engagement of Coopers Earthmoving to undertake storm damage repairs on Jerrara Road following the floods that occurred in February. Council incurred a combined total of $7.3 million in storm and fire damage to the local and regional road network. Staff are currently assessing road and infrastructure damage following the flooding over the 8th/9th August and we will again be lodging a claim for disaster assistance.
Budget Carry-overs
Council approved carry-overs of unspent project funds to enable completion of works in the 2020/21 financial year. Some of the projects included ongoing restoration works at St Clair Museum, CBD Masterplan Implemntation, Performing Arts Centre, Wastewater Treatment Plant Solar and other projects.
Status Reports
Status reports were received on St Clair Conservation Works, the Goulburn Aquatic Centre Redevelopment and the Goulburn Performing Arts Centre. These reports are available to view in the agenda of the meeting on Council’s website.