Council Meeting Briefs - 19th November 2019
Published on 20 November 2019
Highway & Rural Signage
Councillors placed an amendment to the Goulburn Mulwaree Development Control Plan on exhibition for a minimum of 28 days. Council also placed a moratorium on all highway and rural signage compliance activities until 31 January 2020 and will write to property owners that have unlawful signs to advise them they have until 1 February 2020 to provide evidence of appropriate approvals – any sign without appropriate approvals will be ordered to be removed immediately as of 1 April 2020.
Draft Social Sustainability Strategy & Action Plan
The Draft Social Sustainability Strategy & Action Plan will be placed on public exhibition until 31st January 2020. A number of minor amendments will be made prior to the document going on exhibition.
Acquisition of land – Wollondilly River Walkway
Council approved in-principle acquisition of 82sqm of 23, Bungonia Road, Goulburn for stage three of the Wollondilly River Walkway project.
Future use of Council irrigation farm land
Council will look to sell part of this land, rezone part for future subdivision, retain a section for a future cemetery, and advertise an expression of interest for a public private partnership from business or industry groups to undertake an activity on this land that will have long term economic, social and environmental benefits to the Goulburn Mulwaree community.
Resealing of Multiquip’s Primary Haulage Route
Council allocated a further $150,000 from Multiquip Hard Rock S94 Reserve to complete the resealing and line marking of this transport route.
CBD 40km/h high pedestrian activity area
Formal application will be made to RMS to reduce speed limits in the CBD to 40km/hr to establish a High Pedestrian Activity Area. This will only be in Auburn Street, between Clinton & Bradley Streets.
Road Grant Funding Applications
Council endorsed two projects for the Fixing Country Roads grant programme being Nerriga to Tarago upgrade and Chinamans Lane upgrade. They also endorsed two applications for the Fixing Local Roads grant programme being Carrick Road sealing and Mountain Ash Road pavement rehabilitation.