Council Meeting Briefs 19th October 2021
Published on 20 October 2021
Notices of Motion – Street Lighting and Disabled Car Park
Council resolved to support two notices of motion and will now install a second disabled car space on the southern side of Auburn Street between Montague and Verner Street. Staff will now investigate the quantity of disability parking in the CBD. lso investigate funding for installation of street lights in Clifford Street betwee the Chisholm Ross building and Deccan Street.
Dwelling and detached storage shed – 35 Theatre Drive, Goulburn
Council confirmed refusal of this modification DA, and advised a new development application would br equired and would need to take into consideration Council’s Engineering Standards relating to road construction, the South Goulburn Endangered/Threatened Species Management Plan, the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, noting the presence of the critically endangered Box Gum Woodland and derived grasslands within the reserve.
Modification to multi-unit development – 17 Fenwick Crescent, Goulburn
Council refused this development application due to noncompliance with the Development Control Plan 2009 including privacy, private open space, over shadowing, bulk, scale and density and setback provisions.
Veolia Host Fee and Performing Arts Centre grant
Council noted that Veolia have withdrawn a grant for the Goulburn Performing Arts Centre, and allocated $500,000 from Hovell Street sale to the project. Council will not offer Veolia naming rights for the small theatrette at GPAC. Payments from the Veolia host fee will be used for loan commitments. Council will also write to Veolia expressing extreme disappointment at the withdrawal of this financial commitment.
Goulburn Mulwaree Award working party
Council appointed Danae Vitnell, Richard Ernst and Gary Lourigan to the Goulburn Mulwaree Award working party until September 2024.
General purpose financial statements 2020/21
Council endorsed and signed off the general purpose financial statements and special purpose statements 2020/21 for lodgement with the Office of Local Government. They will also be placed on public exhibition.
Goulburn Performing Arts Centre: Operational Update
Council received a report on the work being done behind the scenes to prepare for opening of Goulburn Performing Arts Centre in March 2022 including staffing, season 2022, marketing and tech fit-out.