Council Meeting Briefs - 1st March 2022
Published on 02 March 2022
Mayoral Minute – Wakefield Park
Councillors reequested the GM contact all submitters in regard to DA 0117/2021 for Wakefield Park to ascertain if they would be prepared to meet prior to the Court hearing commencing next Tuesday 8 March, to discuss concilliation options. If any submitter is not prepared to meet, Council will continue with the court hearing.
Road Closure: Part Road Reserve between Cathcart Street and Abbey Road
Council deferred the closure of this road reserve until Council has received the review of the South Goulburn Threatened Species Master Plan.
Review of DA 0327/2021 – Attached dual occupancy at Quadrant Place, Goulburn
Councillors upheld refusal of this development application as it does not promote sustainable urban design, will not receive adequate solar access and does not promote good design and amenity of the built environment as per planning legislation.
Goulburn Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan
Council placed the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan, which includes a Draft Flood Policy, on public exhibition. Following this period Council will prepare and exhibit amendmets to the Goulburn Mulwaree DCP 2009 and Goulburn Mulwaree LEP 2009.
Pavement Stabilisation Panel
Council approved establishment of a panel of suitably qualified companies in pavement stabilisation who can be engaged for future works; being Denrith, Roadworx Surfacing, Downer EDI Works and Stabilised Pavements Australia.
Roundabout Construction and Road Upgrade Works at Sydney Road/Common Street
The tender for this project was awarded to Cleary Bros Pty Ltd. The work is being joint funded; $7,78m was obtained through the NSW Government, $2,79m through the Federal Government, with Council contributing $638,082.
Construction of new sporting amenities
Council endorsed a consolidated design and construction procurement process for the new amenities buildings at North Park and the Goulburn Regional Hockey Facility.
Regional Community Strategic Plan
The Draft Regional Community Strategic Plan 2042 will be placed on public exhibition until 31st March 2022.
Multiquip Haulage Route Repairs
Council will enter into negotiations with Roadwork to finalise scope and cost of these repair works on Oallen Ford Road and Jerrara Roads. Goulburn Mulwaree Council will now undertake this work, having engaged Roadworx, following the lack of commitment from Multiquip to complete this. Council will then commence legal action against Multiquip to recover costs incurred by Council.