Council Meeting Briefs - 1st September 2020

Published on 02 September 2020


Mayoral & Deputy Mayoral Election

Cr Bob Kirk was re-elected Mayor via ordinary ballot. Cr Peter Walker was re-elected Deputy Mayor, also via ordinary ballot.

Committees Appointments

Council confirmed the appointment of Councillors to committees and working parties for the one year extension of this term of Council. No changes were made.

Sale of Council land at Tarago

Council declined at this time requests to sell land in Tarago on the Braidwood Road. Council will now approach Crown Land to determine if they would sell a small parcel of land adjacent to the Council owned lots. If this occurs the parcels will then be amalgamated, and the General manager authorised to proceed with sale by calling for expressions of interest.

Planning Proposal – inclusion of RU6 Transition Zone in clauses 4.1AA and 4.2 of Goulburn Mulwaree LEP

 This planning proposal will be re-exhibitied. It is seeking ot include the RU6 transition zone within these clauses of the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environment Plan in relation to Community and Strata title subdivisions.

Tenders extension

Council extended the tender contracts for Haulage of Bulk Materials for two years with Denrith Pty Ltd. The line marking services tender panel was also extended for two years for two companies being Capital Lines & Signs and Complete Line Marking Services.

Tarago Lead Communication

Council noted that action taken by Transport for NSW on remedial works at Tarago due to lead contamination have been satisfactory. 

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