Council Meeting Briefs - 20th August 2019
Published on 21 August 2019
Performing Arts Centre
Council accepted the construction price rom Zauner Construction for the project, and included the fly tower at an additional cost of $450,000. The total project cost has now been approved at $18.95m. Work is expected to begin with site establishment in October.
B2 Local Centre Zoning – Marulan & Mistful Park
These changes were endorsed by Council, and will allow developers of the Mistful Park commercial precinct to move forward with plans for a mid-sized supermarket of around 1500m2, associated commercial and retail tenancies, and potentially a petrol station and carwash.
Dossie Street Planning Proposal Amendment
A planning proposal will be prepared for the Council owned land in Dossie Street. It will seek to rezone the land for a number of different uses including R5 Large Lot Residential and IN1 General Industrial. Part of the land will also be rezoned as RE1 Public Recreation and E4 Environmental Living.
Community Transport Service
A working party will be established to investigate the viability of a new community transport service funded by Council. Cr Rowland & Cr O’Neill have been appointed members, and an expression of interest will be called for two community members.
Sale of 1/1 Dossie Street and 10 Ben Bullen Place, Goulburn
A real estate agent will be appointed to sell 1/1 Dossie Street by auction. The current listed price of $315,000 + GST for Ben Bullen Place was reduced to $270,000 + GST. All reasonable offers will come back to Council in writing for further consideration.