Council Meeting Briefs 20th July 2021
Published on 21 July 2021
Rezoning land – Teneriffe Subdivision on Marys Mount Road, Goulburn
Council will prepare a planning proposal to amend the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan 2009 to rezone this land to R2 Low Density Residential with a minimum lot size of 700m2.
Six dwelling houses – 14 Grimston Circuit, Goulburn
Council deferred decision on this matter requesting the General Manager prepare a report for 3rd August clarifying reasons for refusal and presenting an alternate recommendation with conditions for approval for Council to consider.
Portraits on Main project
$10,000 was approved from the financial assistance budget for the Portraits on Main project which will see a main street photographic exhibition in the shopfronts on Auburn Street, Goulburn. The project also has the potential to be replicated in Marulan and Tarago, with planning for this underway.
St John’s Orphanage – Mundy Street, Goulburn
A demolition works order with a 90 day period for compliance was issued for three of the buildings on site, which have been severely impacted by a number of recent fires. Council has also agreed to the main large building being demolished for public safety reasons, but will first have discussions with the owner around the timeframe for this demolition and preservation of some of the artefacts and historical elements of the building within Goulburn.
Urban & Fringe Housing Strategy – Northern Sooley Precinct
Council requested the Dept of Planning, Industry and Environment reconsider its exclusion of the northern section of the Sooley Precinct (identified as a large lot opportunity area) from the Urban and Fringe Housing Strategy.
Decisions on tenders
Council approved three tenders during this meeting being winning and crushing bulk materials, supply of gravel materials panel and an extension of the maintenance grading and gravel resheeting tender. Council also declined a tender for Construction of the Drill Mud Processing Facility and requested staff review the tender and budget for the scope of this project.
Regional Tourism Activation Fund
Council will make application to the Regional Tourism Activation Fund for two projects being the Goulburn to Crookwell Rail Trail (Stream one, $5m) and a jetty, pontoon and disability walkway at the Goulburn Historic Waterworks (Stream two, $450,000).
Fixing Local Roads Round 3
Council will apply for $2.25m from this fund to be focused on Deccan Street (from Goldsmith Street to Clinton Street) and Clinton Street (from Deccan Street to Cowper Street). Council will also put forward $750,000 for a total project worth $3 million.
Request for Financial Assistance
Counrillors approved four requests for financial assistance being:
- $5,500 to Lieder Theatre to support their productions, workshops and programs
- $1715 to the Goulburn Cancer Council Relay for Life for hire fees, cleaning and waste removal
- $4,600 cash contribution to the RSL Sub-Branch Goulburn for hiring of public address system for ANZAC Day services
- $1,536 to Lions Club of Marulan for hire of Marulan Hall for their 2021/22 activities
End of Term Report
Council endorsed the End of Term Report, which summarises the achievements and undertakings of this Council over the past five years.
Tribe Breweries Section 64 Developer Charges
Tribe Breweries will be charged $320,526.33 for Section 64 developer charges based on the additional water and sewer usage during the 2020/21 financial year. A 50% discount was applied as Council noted they met the local employment requirements of the Council resolution 2018/105.