Council Meeting Briefs - 21st April 2020
Published on 22 April 2020
Urban & Fringe Housing Strategy
Council deferred the revised Draft Urban & Fringe Housing Strategy for a period of three months for further consultation with submitters and a Council briefing for a full Saturday in May.
February Flood Response Update
Council staff have assessed damage at 55 sites from these floods, and have estimated repair costs to be in the vicinity of $5.5m. As Goulburn Mulwaree was included in the Natural Disaster Declaration for this event we are eligible to recover the cost of repairs.
COVID-19 Update
Council endorsed a new process for notification of public advertisements following temporary closure of the Goulburn Post and legislative changes by NSW Government. In May Council will consider an addendum to the Hardship Policy that will provide assistance to ratepayers who can give evidence that they are significantly financially affected by the COVID-10 pandemic.
Goulburn Aquatic Centre Redevelopment: Amendment to commencement of demolition
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, there is an opportunity to bring forward demolition works for the Aquatic Centre redevelopment. The contractor is putting together a revised program to bring forward demolition works and the project as a whole. This revised program will be reported to Council when available.
Marsden Weir Park
The area of reserve from Fitzroy Street to the gates of Marsden Weir will be named Rotary Park, however the remaining area of the reserve to and including the Waterworks Museum will retain the name Marsden Weir Park. This decision is subject to public exhibition and approval by the Geographical Names Board.
Riverside Park: Everyone can play grant program
Goulburn Mulwaree Council has received a grant of $200,000 for a playground at Riverside Park. Council also moved to allocate $200,000 for the playground, taking the total to $400,000 The project will be completed in the 2020/21 financial year.