Council Meeting Briefs - 21st July 2020
Published on 22 July 2020
111 Knowlman Road, Run-O-Waters
Consent was granted for this shed which was built unlawfully however this is dependent on a number of conditions including removal of the second driveway and access gate, considerable landscaping and a direct pedestrian connection between the home and the shed.
Urban & Fringe Housing Strategy
Council adopted the Urban and Fringe Housing Strategy subject to three amendments (Crookwell Road, Gunlake Haulage Route, and Highland Way). It will now be referred to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for endorsement.
Residential Care Facility Planning Proposal – Ducks Lane and Lillkar Road Goulburn
Council will draft a planning proposal to amend the Goulburn Mulwaree LEP 2009 to permit a residential care facility on this land to permit residential care by Signature Care. Once drafted this will be submitted to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for endorsement.
Tribe Breweries Section 64 Development Charges
Council noted that Tribe Breweries has exceeded the local employment requirements of Council’s resolution 2018/105 and therefore a 50% discount be applied to their developer charges which are calculated on the 2019/20 water and sewer usage. Tribe Brewery will be be charged $1,793,375 for section 64 fees.
New community centre options
The decision on the location of the Community Centre was deferred for 18 months.
Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program
$1,072,884 was allocated to three projects being new footpaths in Goulburn, Marulan, Tarago ($400k), Tallong Toilets $100,000 and Cookbundoon Amenities Building ($572,884).
Bungendore Road Storm Damage
Denrith Pty Ltd was approved to undertake storm damage repairs on Bungendore Road at the cost of $265,960.
Requests for Financial Assistance
Council approved a cash contribution of $5,000 to the Lieder Theatre and a cash donation of $5,000 to the Goulburn Community Radio Association to offset part of the costs of equipment essential for continuation of their broadcasting.
555 Forest Siding Road
Notices will be served upon the land owners of this property and any contractors or other persons known to have undertaken work on the site – these notices will require provision to Council of any information in relation to the extent of phsycial works undertaken. Council will also commence Class 4 proceedings in the Land & Environment Court against the owners of the property for continued and ongoing unauthorised works and land uses.