Council Meeting Briefs - 25th August 2021
Published on 25 August 2021
DA 0101/2021: Truck Depot at 31 Lockyer Street, Goulburn
Council refused this development application as it did not meet a number of requirements under the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environment Plan 2009 and Goulburn Mulwaree Development Control Plan 2009. The reasons are available to view in the minutes.
Organic Material Screening Machine
Council approved purchase of this machine from GCM Enviro at a cost of $379,500 for processing of green waste at the Goulburn Waste Management Centre.
Naming of Community Facilities
Council confirmed the hockey facility will be named the Goulburn Regional Hockey Centre. At this facility a plaque will be erected in the pavilion to recognise the contributions of Ray Harvey to sport in the region. Council also chose to name the Cookbundoon Pavilion the Graham Coe Pavilion to recognise his commitment and service to soccer.
Village Discretionary Funds
Due to delay of the council elections the Village Discretionary Fund Working Parties will be re-constituted until the 30th November 2021 if they so wish and be authorised to expend in their communities 50% of the 2021/22 Discretionary Fund allocation for their villages plus any funds that were unspent at 30th June 2021.
Budget Carry-overs
Council approved carry over of unspent funds in order to complete a number of projects including the Cookbundoon Amenities Building, Mountain Ash Road renewal and many others.