Council Meeting Briefs 2nd March 2021
Published on 03 March 2021
Sale of Bourke Street Depot for a new Police Station
Council has resolved to sell its Bourke Street site it for market value plus $50,000 with the objective of achieving fair value and net nil cost to the community. The General Manager will report back to Council at the 19th April meeting with the result of negotiations, and results of consultation with current tenants at the Bourke Street Depot, including options for use of the Railway Administrative Buildings in Sloane Street.
DA 0137/2021 – Refusal of application for demolition of dwelling and construction of new two storey dwelling at 22 Hurst St, Goulburn
Council refused this development application as it does not promote good design and amenity of built environment, does not promote orderly and economic use and dvelopment of land in the area, does not address effects the development will have in respect to heritage conservation and heritage significance of the site and locality. The full details of Council’s reasoning are available to view in the minutes.
29 lot residential subdivision – Hovell Street, Goulburn
Consent was granted for a boundary adjustment and 29 lot residential subdivision located in Hovell Street subject to a number of conditions. This development is occurring on Council owned land.
Request for SEARS – Gunlake Quarry Continuation
Council will make a submission to the Department of Planning & Environment seeking to include a number of matters regarding an independent structural assessment of the haulage route pavement, an independent road safety audit, and a number of other issues which are available to view in the minutes.
Short term lease of the Council Irrigation Farm
ARW Multigroup were awarded short term lease of this site being for up to 5 years, however Council has reserved the right to cancel the lease with six months notice. Staff will continue to liaise with the company who submitted an additional confidential commercial proposal in regards to State Government deliberations and any site investigation work.
Tender – Wollondilly River Walkway
The next stage of this project will see 1.3km of shared path from Lower Sterne Street to Cemetery Street. The tender was awarded to Denrith Pty Ltd for $352,177.
Proposed road upgrades – Common & Sinclair Streets
Council will acquire approximately 1080sqm of land as part of the upgrades to these streets for the North Goulburn Employment Precinct.
Internal Borrowing – Performing Arts Centre
Council will apply to the Minister for Local Government for approval to borrow $6.3 million internally and equally from the unrestricted Water Fund & Sewer Fund Reserves. The loan will be repaid from the General Fund by way of quarterly instalments over a term of 15 years at an interest rate of 1.25%.
Parking Restrictions – Cowper Street
Council resolved that no parking restrictions be imposed in Cowper Street following public consultation with residents of the street. However staff will increase monitoring of the parking restrictions and ensure vehicles are parked legally.