Council Meeting Briefs - 3rd February 2021
Published on 03 February 2021
Gunlake Quarry Extension Project
Council will make a comment to the Department of Planning & Environment regarding this extension. Council is supportive of the project, but will lobby Transport for NSW for a permanent reduction in speed limit across the haulage route to 80km/h.
Parking Restrictions – Cowper Street
Council requested staff to further assess the parking in Cowper Street (in the Hospital precinct) in an attempt to identify why the vehicles are parked there.
Hockey Facility Lighting Upgrade
Council accepted the tender from Power by Watts for upgrade of lighting at the Goulburn Regional Hockey Complex at a cost of $344,971. The project will see new LED lighting installed for both playing fields, with minimum horizontal maintained illumination of 500 lux.
Hockey Facility Field Refurbishment
Council accepted the tender from Polytan Asia Pacific for refurbishment of the western field at the Goulburn Regional Hockey Facility at a cost of $1,710,137. The redevelopment will provide a new water based synthetic field that will meet State and National hockey championship requirements.
Goulburn Lilac City Festival Markets
This item was deferred pending discussion between Goulburn Rotary Club and the Goulburn Lilac City Festival, however Council gave in principle support for the Lilac Festival to host markets in Montague Street to raise funds for their event.
Building Better Regions Fund
Council will make three applications for the Building Better Regions Fund being $500,000 for the Shibetsu Gardens in Victoria Park, $2 million for a Community Centre (site to be determined) and for $7.1 million for the Goulburn to Crookwell Rail Trail. This will be a joint application with the Upper Lachlan Shire Council.
Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Grants
This Federal Government Grant program allocates funding to Council’s for roads and community infrastructure projects. Goulburn Mulwaree Council has received $1,584,000 in this round and have allocated the funds as follows:
- Stage 1 Waste Management Centre Renewal ($1,084,000)
- Upgrade landscaping at Roberts Park ($100,000)
- Toilet Facilities on Wollondilly River Walkway at Kenmore Street ($100,000)
- Footpaths in our villages ($300,000).