Council Meeting Briefs - 3rd September 2019
Published on 04 September 2019
Community Group Leases
Council resolved that all matters relating to the lease and rental agreements for Community Group tenants in the Community Centres premises in Auburn Street and Bourke Street be submitted to the Community Centre Working Party for consideration and then recommendation to Council for Council to determine the terms, conditions and ongoing implementation of those lease and rental agreements
MOD DA 0010/1819 – 966 Towrang Road, Towrang
Council approved this modification which involves a reduction in the total footprint and size of the buildings and the growing area within the buildings, but an increase in the number of buildings, total floor area and the handling area.
Lansdowne Street Planning Proposal
Council endorsed the planning proposal to rezone Lot 10 Lansdowne Street from B6 Enterprise Corridor to R5 Large Lot Residential with a minimum lot size of 1000sqm. This will be forward to the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment for a gateway determination.
Community Participation Plan
The Draft Community Participation Plan will be placed on public exhibition for 28 days. Under the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 Council must adopt a Community Participation Plan by 1 December 2019.
Hydro Vacuum Excavation Truck
Council approved purchase of a Hydro Vacuum Excavation Truck which will enable non-destructive excavation around underground services to ensure safety of staff and reduce risks of service strikes.