Council Meeting Briefs - 4th August 2020
Published on 05 August 2020
Strategic Planning Fees & Charges Policy
The Draft Strategic Planning Fees & Charges Policy will be placed on public exhibition for 28 days.
Maintenance Grading and Gravel resheeting tender extension
Council extended the current tender for this work for a one year period. The panel includes the following companies; Denrith Pty Ltd, Keegan Civil, Coopers Earthmoving and Haulage and JCF Contracting.
Road Classification Review
Council will make a submission to the NSW Road Classification Review advocating for reclassification of a number of roads, and for GMC to undertake all maintenance and upgrade responsibilities for State and Regional Roads within the Goulburn Mulwaree road network. Further details of the submission are available to view in the minutes.
Greyhound NSW Track Strategy
Council will make a submission to Greyhound NSW and the Minister for Racing the Hon Kevin Anderson om the NSW Track Strategy advocating for a Centre of Excellence including a straight track in Goulburn, NSW. Council also stated an appropriate option would be a green field site.
2020 Community Outreach Meetings
The 2020 Community Outreach Meetings will be cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. A newsletter will be issued that will invite community groups in small numbers to meet the Mayor & GM if they have specific concerns, and to encourage the community to raise questions and requests via Customer Service.
Request for Financial Assistance: Challenge Foundation
Council deferred this matter and requested the Challenge Foundation Goulburn to file a further application detailing exactly what financial assistance they are seeking, and to also provide a copy of audited financial statements.