Council Meeting Briefs 5th April 2022
Published on 06 April 2022
Additional Special Rate Variation
Council will make immediate application under the Additional Special Variation one-off process for 2022/23 financial year for an increase in rating revenue of 2.5% applied permanently to the rate base.
Loan Agreement – 2021/22 Loan Program
Council approved execution of the loan agreement with TCorp to borrow $8,280,000 over a 15 year term. This loan will fund the Goulburn Waste Management Centre Upgrade ($4.28m), Towrang Bridge replacement ($2m) and Goulburn Performing Arts Centre ($2m). The indicative rate for this loan is 3.42%.
NSW Employment Zones Reform
Council endorsed these changes subject to three points:
- Deletion of an additional local objective from the MU1 Mixed Use Zone
- Inclusion of ‘pond based aquaculture’ as a prohibited use in the E1 Local Centre Zone and MU1 Mixed Use Zone
- Retention of ‘residential accomodation’ as a prohibited use in the E4 General Industrial Zone, but removal of the child definitions from the prohibited list (i.e removal of Dwelling houses and shop-top housing)
Local Environmental Plan Amendment – 20-24 Lockyer Street, Goulburn
Council will request NSW Department of Planning & Environment remove the minimum lot size on this land and rezone it to IN1 General Industrial.
Optional Agritourism Clause for Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan
ouncil will request the NSW Department of Planning & Environment include the optional clauses within the Local Environmental Plan which will provide greater flexibility in planning provisions to facilitate agritourism development in rural areas.
Multiquip Haulage Route repairs
Council will engage Roadworx Surfacing Pty Ltd directly from the pavement stabilisation panel for repairs to this haulage route.