Council Meeting Briefs - 7th June 2022

Published on 08 June 2022

Council Photo 2022 (15).jpg

Appointment of Chief Executive Officer

Council have selected a preferred candidate for the role of CEO following final interviews held Monday 6th June. Mayor Peter Walker was delegated authority, in consultation with the recruitment consultant, to negotiate and finalise the appointment of the preferred candidate based on a 5 year performance based contract with a total remuneration package of $340,000.

No public announcement of the name of the successful candidate will be made until the Mayor has obtained written acceptance of the offer. If the preferred candidate declines the offer, the second preferred candidate will be offered the position on the same terms and conditions.

Waiver of alcohol-free zone for winter event

Council will waive the alcohol-free zone in and around Belmore Park, Montague Street and the Goulburn Courthouse for the weekend of 26-28 August 2022. Staff will now apply for the appropriate liquor license through Liquor & Gaming for the event.

Policy Review

Council placed on exhibition three policies for a period of 28 days:

  • Clearance & Easement Requirements for Structures Adjacent to Sewer and Stormwater Mains Policy
  • Water Metering and Connection Policy.
  • Asbestos Policy

Entertainment & Night Time Economy Working Party

This working party was renamed to Entertainment and Evening Economy Working Party, and the  timeframe for final recommendations has been extended until the 10th August, 2022. Council will also immediately incorporate additions to 10.7 Planning Certificates for properties within the Goulburn CBD and Marulan CBD to advise of the likely presence of sound generating activities during the evening.

Sustainability Working Party

Council received a report from this working party, and staff will investigate a number of initial ideas recommended by the working party including creation of an Environmental Education Officer and Sustainability Education Officer, an Environmental Rates Levy, a community tree voucher system, development of a baseline climate change and sustainability report and a number of other initiatives. A follow up report on the above items will be provided to Council by 31st August.


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