Council Meeting Briefs – 19 July 2022
Published on 20 July 2022
Wakefield Park
Goulburn Mulwaree Council CEO Aaron Johansson provided an update on Wakefield Park.
Council and the Benalla Auto Club met on Monday morning to discuss the recent Land and Environment Court judgement concerning Wakefield Park, along with the future operations of the venue.
Mr Johansson reaffrimed that both organisations are committed to working together to investigate options, and to advocate for the long-term future of the facility.
Towrang Bridge opening
The new Towrang Bridge is now open to traffic, featuring a new two lane, 85m long road bridge,
4.5m higher than the existing bridge deck over the Wollondilly River on Towrang Road.
Construction commenced in August 2021 with earthworks for the bridge followed by pile driving and pouring for the piers. Abutments were constructed and headstocks completed in November 2021. The bridge structural works have been completed, including the installation of guard rails.
The project, which was delayed for seven weeks due to inclement weather, is scheduled to be officially opened at the end of July 2022.
Policies on Exhibition
Council resolved to place the following policies on public exhibition for 28 days:
- Legislative Compliance Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Gifts and Benefits Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Development Assessment and Decision Making Policy
- Stormwater Drainage and Rainwater Collection Systems Policy
- Private Pumping of Sewage Policy
- Sewer Pumping Stations Required by Developments Policy
Sustainability Working Party
Goulburn Mulwaree Council has thanked its Sustainability Working Party for developing a comprehensive list of sustainability options for Council’s consideration. A follow up report will come back to Council on the membership and role of the working party, and to further refine the options that have been developed by the group. Cr Peter Walker will also write to the
Working Party members to thank for them for their contributions.
DCP 2009 – Reticulated Water and Sewer
Goulburn Mulwaree Council has adopted an amendment to Goulburn Mulwaree Development Control Plan 2009 in relation to connection requirements for reticulated water and sewer. As part of this, Council has adopted the Local Approvals Policy - Water Supply, Sewerage (On-site and Reticulated), Stormwater and Trade Waste.
Marulan Water Filtration Plant Concept and Detailed Design
Beca Hunter H2O Pty Ltd has been awarded the Marulan Water Treatment Plant Concept and Detailed Design project. This project is the concept design, the preparation of design and construction documentation and project management assistance for the upgrade of the Marulan Water Treatment Plant. This project is important to address the ongoing water quality issues experienced in the Marulan.
Goulburn and District Racing Club reuse water agreement
Goulburn Mulwaree Council will continue to supply effluent to the Goulburn and District Racing Club for use as irrigation on its tracks. This arrangement, which has been in place since 1996, has been an important component of Council’s overall effluent management operations.
Council also resolved to continue the sponsorship arrangement with the Goulburn and District Racing Club, valued at $20,000 per year, as an in-kind payment for the supply of recycled water to their site for irrigation. The sponsorship arrangement will remain in place until a charging regime is developed and approved for implementation for the supply of recycled water through the reuse scheme in Goulburn.
The Goulburn and District Racing Club and other future users will be consulted during the preparation of a Recycled Water Use Policy and the development of the future charging regime.
Grants update
Goulburn Mulwaree Council has secured nearly $9 million in grant funding over the past three months. These State and Federal grants, totalling $8.82 million, will support a number of capital works and social projects across Goulburn Mulwaree.
Council is currently awaiting the outcomes of 13 additional grants, totalling $10.55 million.
ReUse Goulburn
Council received an update on the ReUse Goulburn project at the Goulburn Waste Management Centre. Construction works for this project begain in November 2021, and will facilitate greater waste education, segregation, recovery and recycling of materials.
Goulburn Community Centre
Goulburn Mulwaree Council will establish two working parties to investigate options for the Goulburn Community Centre.
A Staff Working Party will establish requirements of a new Community Centre to enable current Community Service programs to continue in their current form. Other considerations for this working party will include potential for growth of the current services provided by Council and to consult with current regular casual hirers of the Auburn Street facility on their future requirements, with this review to be completed by 30 September 2022.
Council will also establish a Community Centre Working Party in late September to consult with the community and all stakeholders (including Community Services staff and clients via the Staff Working Party) to determine the preferred location, proposed services provided and an initial concept layout plan, indicative capital and operational costs for a new Community Centre.
The Community Centre Working Party will comprise a Councillor, Council’s Director Corporate and Community Services, Council’s Director Operations, and three community representatives following an expression of interest process. This Working Party will report back to Council on the preferred location, proposed services, and the initial concept layout plan for a new Community Centre by 20 December 2022.
Staff will also enter into negotiations with the property owner at 1/155-157 Auburn Street to exercise the Option to Renew the current Lease from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2026 for ongoing use as an interim Community Centre.
Council will seek expressions of interest for the commerical leasing of 136m2 of vacant office area on the ground floor at 56 Clinton Street, Goulburn.