Council Meeting Briefs – 7 March 2023
Published on 09 March 2023
The joint report from the Director Planning & Environment, Business Manager Strategic Planning and Business Manager Property & Community Services was received.
Council will provide in-principle agreement to the proposed exchange of 36 Howard Boulevard, Goulburn (Lot 164 DP250803, Corner Gibson Street) for 29 Gibson Street, Goulburn (Lot 257 DP749419) subject to:
- 36 Howard Boulevard being reclassified from “Community Land” to “Operational Land” under the Local Government At 1993.
- Costs of holding a public hearing, excluding staff administrative and management costs, and advertising costs, be met by NSW Land and Housing Corporation.
- Additional costs relating to the land exchange (e.g., professional legal fees and disbursements) be met by NSW Land and Housing Corporation.
- Council and NSW Land and Housing Corporation sharing costs equally for valuation certificates to be provided for each property.
Subject to 36 Howard Boulevard being reclassified to Operational Land, Council will commence preparing a Planning Proposal to rezone the land from RE1 Public Recreation to R1 General Residential.
Council will not charge a fee for the planning proposal however should any technical studies be required for this proposal, these studies will be at the expense of NSW Land and Housing Ordinary Corporation.
The report from the Director Utilities on Tender 2223T0013 Goulburn Street Sewer Pump Station Upgrade Marulan was received.
The Tender from Keane Civil and Construction was accepted for the Goulburn Street Sewer Pump Station Upgrade Marulan Contract in accordance with the specification and documents for Tender 2223T0013 for the lump sum price of $942,844.10.
The Chief Executive Officer was given a delegated authority for variations up to 10% of the contract lump sum. This being $94,284.41.
The report of the Director Corporate & Community Services on the December 2022 Quarterly Budget Review was noted.
The budged variations contained within the December 2022 Quarterly Review was approved with the exception of the carry-over of the Kenmore Hospital Pumping Station Power project (Q2.38) in the amount of $190,591, with the project now likely to be completed during the current financial year.
The following external Committee meeting minutes were received:
Southern Tablelands Zone Bush Fire Management Committee held the 14 September 2022.
The joint report from the Director Planning & Environment, Business Manager Strategic Planning and Business Manager Property & Community Services was received.
Negotiations with the owner of 23 Shannon Drive will not proceed any further due to a lack of strategic alignment and minimal ability to leverage future growth opportunities.
The CEO was given delegated authority to negotiate with the owner 84 Bonnett Drive to acquire approximately 1,820m2 of land in accordance with provisions under the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 to dedicate as Road Widening under the Roads Act 1993.
The CEO was given delegated authority to negotiate with the owner of 62 Foord Road to acquire approximately 15,300m2 of land in accordance with provisions under the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 to also dedicate as Road Widening under the Roads Act 1993.
A further report will be presented to Council advising the outcome of these negotiations.
Council will lodge an expression of interest to the Growing Regional Economies Fund based on the extension of Mary Street through the property known as 62 Foord Road, and the extension of Pockley Road along the existing unformed road corridor.