Refusal of Development Application for Childcare Facility

Published on 19 July 2024


Goulburn Mulwaree Council has made a decision regarding Development Application DA/0099/2324 for the proposed demolition of an existing dwelling, removal of vegetation, and construction of a centre-based childcare facility for 113 children at 130 Deccan Street, Goulburn.

After careful consideration of the staff assessment report and taking into account the concerns raised during the public exhibition period, Council has resolved to refuse the Development Application DA/0099/2324. The decision was made based on key issues identified, including traffic generation, car parking, building height, emergency and evacuation procedures, streetscape impact, and amenity issues to existing developments in the area.

Council acknowledges the importance of community feedback and the need to balance development proposals with the interests of residents and the local environment. The decision reflects Council's commitment to responsible and sustainable urban planning practices that prioritise the safety of the community.


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