Council calls for respect at Rocky Hill

Published on 02 July 2020

Rocky Hill Littering.jpg

Goulburn Mulwaree Council is calling for respect from the community at Rocky Hill War Memorial and Museum after a series of incidents of illegal dumping.

In recent times staff have noticed an increase in the amount of rubbish being dumped around the site, which is a place of commemoration for our region. The litter being left is predominantly food and drink items from takeaway establishments, however there have been instances of far more serious dumping as well.

Mayor Bob Kirk called on the community to show respect for this important site.

“It is a shame that we need to undertake a campaign on these sorts of issues on what feels like a 6 monthly basis, but I again call on our residents and visitors to show respect for your own City.

“Rocky Hill is both a commemorative site and an attraction for visitors with the new Rocky Hill War Memorial Museum, and we do not want it to be made untidy through the laziness of our community. However it is not just this site that we want to see respected and kept clean, but our entire City and region. ”

“Illegal dumping is a crime, and our staff will be in touch with Police to ask them to undertake more frequent patrols of the area to discourage this behaviour. We do not want to get to the stage where Rocky Hill is locked off outside of business hours just to stop this.”

Rocky Hill War Memorial Museum is open from 10am – 4pm each Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It is also open on all school and public holidays. The area is open for extended hours to allow locals and visitors to enjoy the Rocky Hill War Memorial, and the outstanding outlook over Goulburn. 


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