Council response to Waste to Energy regulation
Published on 11 March 2022
The NSW Government has recently placed on public exhibition the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Amendment (Thermal Energy from Waste) Regulation 2021. In effect these regulations aim to put into law the ability for energy to waste facilities to be established in NSW, at four locations, one of which is the ‘Southern Goulburn Mulwaree Precinct’ which in effect means Tarago. All applications are still subject to the State Significant Development planning approval process and the NSW Government makes the decision.
Council remains committed to supporting the community by opposing any application on the grounds of environmental and health concerns.
If Veolia are able to meet the strict environmental benchmarks and conditions set by the NSW Government to meet our environmental and health concerns, then their energy to waste facility may achieve approval. Because of this reality, Council is also seeking to participate in the public exhibition process to constructively seek additional clauses in the regulations that would protect and enhance our region’s options in the future, if this project was approved.
If Goulburn Mulwaree – especially Tarago have to have an energy to waste facility then that development must come with substantial benefits – and those benefits must be decided by our community and not Sydney based State Government officials. We will be requesting the NSW Government include in this regulation a capital infrastructure levy equivalent to 1.5% of the capital cost of the development plus ongoing levy of $20 per tonne of waste burnt in the facility to further enhance business development and employment opportunities in the region.
Goulburn Mulwaree Council remains strongly opposed to development of waste to energy in this region.