Farmland Application Form
Published on 25 February 2021
As part of Council’s continuous improvement process and to ensure ongoing compliance with legislative requirements Council will again be sending Farmland Application forms to all ratepayers who are currently categorised as Farmland for rating purposes who did not complete the forms in round 1 of this process.
Round 1 of this process started In October 2019. Council posted over 1400 forms to each rateable property within the farmland category; since this time Council staff have updated the process and this includes replacing the antiquated form with a much shorter more user friendly application.
Council will be sending this form to all ratepayers towards the end of February 2021. All ratepayers within the Farmland Category who were not able to complete and return the form previously will receive this application.
Farmland-Application-Form-20-March-2020(DOCX, 42KB)