Mayoral Column 16th April 2020
Published on 15 April 2020
Waste Management Centre’s to resume normal hours
Waste Management Centres in Goulburn, Tarago and Marulan will resume normal operating hours from Monday 27th April.
Goulburn Mulwaree Council has made the decision to revert back to normal hours as growth in the number of cases of COVID-19 in the region and NSW has slowed.
It is important to note that we are likely months away from being back to business as usual, and adjustments could still occur if the situation changes. The community have done a great job in following government guidelines, and we haven’t seen a new case of COVID-19 in Goulburn Mulwaree in over two weeks.
I’m really pleased that we are able to open the waste management centres as normal, as I know how important these are to our community. Our staff will be working in isolated teams as much as possible, to ensure social distancing is maintained at all times.
A number of council facilities and public spaces remain closed to the community to ensure the enforcement measures announced by the NSW Government are in place.
Opening hours are as follows:
- Goulburn Waste Management Centre 8am to 4pm, 7 days a week
- Marulan Waste Management Centre 8am to 12pm Friday & Monday 8am to 4pm Saturday & Sunday (closed 12pm to 12:30pm)
- Tarago Waste Management Centre Lumley Road, Tarago 8am to 4pm Saturday, Sunday & Monday (closed 12pm to 12:30pm)
All waste management centres are closed on all public holidays and from 12pm on Christmas Eve
Work to begin on Crookwell Rd intersection
Road works are due to commence on the Crookwell Rd/Mary’s Mount Intersection upgrade on Monday the 4th May, with this project expected to take 8 weeks.
The work has been fast tracked, with Transport for NSW fully funding construction of the intersection. It will include significant road widening of Crookwell Road to enable a right hand turn in lane to improve access to Marys Mount Road. Pedestrian refuge islands and kerb and gutter works will also be included as part of the project.
The Marys Mount area is our fastest growing suburb, with plenty of future growth expected their following completion of the Goulburn Mulwaree Urban & Fringe Housing Strategy. It’s essential that this intersection is upgraded to ensure the safety of our community on these roads.
Minor delays can be expected during this time with temporary road closures and detours in place for the duration of the works.