Mayoral Column 19th February 2021
Published on 19 February 2021
Council Meeting Results
We had a late Council meeting on Tuesday night where we discussed and made decisions regarding a number of issues. The minutes of the meeting, along with Council Meeting Briefs, are available to view on our website if you would like further detail, however I’ve summarised some of the decisions below:
- New Police Station
Council rejected the current offer by NSW Police to purchase 2 Bourke Street, Goulburn, however have authorised the Mayor and GM to continue negotiations without prejudice with the NSW Police. Council will also notify the NSW Police that no firm decision on the sale will be made until April 19th, by which time Council will have considered all options in regard to relocation of existing tenants.
At the time of writing this column a rescission motion has been foreshadowed by Deputy Mayor Walker, Cr O’Neill & Cr Banfield which is requesting a 28 day public consultation process be undertaken alongside the negotiations, including a formal community meeting. We will consider this at our Council meeting on the 2nd March.
- Request for 22 Hurst Street to be listed as heritage item
Council deferred consideration to list 22 Hurst Street as a heritage item as adequate protection is currently in place due to the property being within the Heritage Conservation Area. This will be reviewed after DA 0137/2021 is determined.
- NSW Agricultural Land Use Planning Strategy
Council will make a submission to the NSW Agriculture Commissioner in response to this land use planning strategy options paper, regarding the need to identify and protect important agricultural land, provide clear poolicy advice on rural and environmental zoning, and to provide clear land use definitions among other issues.
- Acquisition of Part 4 Montague St, Goulburn
An application will be made to the Minister for Local Government and Governor of NSW to compulsorily acquire this land in Montague Street to widen Post Office Lane. This will provide improved access for delivery vehicles at the back of the Gouburn Performing Arts Centre.
- Proposed Marulan Solar Farm – Submission
Council will make a submission to the Department of Planning & Environment regarding the proposed Marulan Solar Farm at 740 Carrick Road, Carrick. Council will raise a number of items for consideration, including bushfire risks, visual impact, Aboriginal heritage and vegetation. Terrain Solar proposes a 150MW solar farm plus a battery storage system, and the project is considered to be a state significant development.
- Project update reports
Councillors received seven status reports on important projects currently underway in the LGA such as the Cookbundoon Pavilion Upgrade, St Clair Conservation Works, Performing Arts Centre and Aquatic Centre Redevelopment. It is noted that these are available to view in the agenda if of interest to the community.
NSW Country Cricket Championship Final – Sunday 21st
This Sunday we will host the final of the Cricket NSW Country Championships at Seiffert oval, following the southern pool of the championships which was also held in Goulburn during November last year.
Goulburn continues to build our reputation as a premier destination for sporting events in regional NSW, and look forward to welcoming the competitors and supporters on the 21st February
The game will be between Riverina and Newcastle and spectators are welcome – head along on Sunday to see some high quality cricket.
Local projects get funding boost
Council will divide $1,584,000 across the Waste Management Renewal, landscaping at Roberts Park, new toilet facilities on the Wollondilly Walking Track at Kenmore Street and footpaths in our villages.
The funding has been received as part of the second round of the Federal Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Fund. The program is a form of targeted economic stimulus, and projects must be delivered by 31st December 2021.
Although this funding has come about due to the recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been a positive for our region in that we can get on with a number of projects that may have otherwise likely stayed on the drawing board for a number of years.
Last week I had the opportunity to join Angus Taylor to check progress on some of the progress we are making on footpath networks with the funding received in round one of this program. That money is also being utilised for the new amenities building at Cookbundoon Sports Fields, new public toilets for Tallong and further footpaths in Marulan and Tarago which are underway currently.
Sydney weekender
As part of our campaign to promote Goulburn Australia to the world, we will be appearing on Sydney Weekender this Sunday at 5:30pm on Channel 7.
The segment will promote our wonderful City and region, with a focus on all the attractions and things you can do on a weekend trip from Sydney or other parts of NSW.
I was lucky enough to be involved in some of the filming at the end of 2021, and Goulburn looked amazing after all of the spring rain. It should be a great showcase for us, and I’d encourage you to watch it and share with family and friends.