Mayoral Column 22nd July 2020

Published on 21 July 2020

Solar Lighting.JPG

 Council lights the way on Wollondilly River

The Wollondilly River Walkway and Riverside Park are now more user friendly following completion of installation of solar lighting in the 2019/20 financial year.

Goulburn Mulwaree Council was successful with a $377,000 grant funding application through the Federal Government’s Community Sport Infrastructure Program. This money fully funded 4km of the walkway, beginning at Marsden Weir and going right around stage 2 of the walkway to Tarlo Street.

Council chose to fund another 2km of solar lighting within Riverside Park, with intentions to add a further 1.5km in future years to complete the area.

We can see the value of the solar lighting especially during our winter, where many people don’t finish work until dusk. The lights mean they can still get changed and throw a beanie on to go for that walk in what is a safe, well lit environment.

Council Meeting

This week we will hold our Council meeting for the first time in around 5 weeks, after a short break to begin July.

It is a packed agenda, with a number of important issues to be considered by Council. By the time you read this on Wednesday we will have considered these issues and made decisions however I’m sure you will find the following items of interest:

  • We will be asked to endorse the final changes for the Urban & Fringe Housing Strategy
  • A planning proposal for an Aged Care facility at Ducks Lane and Lillkar Road
  • Section 64 developer charges for Tribe Breweries
  • New community centre options
  • Recommendations for the allocation of $1,072,884 from the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Grant Program. This is recommended to be divided between footpaths, toilets at Tallong and new amenities at Cookbundoon sporting fields.
  • We will receive updates on the Aquatic Centre redevelopment and the Goulburn Performing Arts Centre
  • In closed session we will consider regulatory options and legal opinion on 555 Forest Siding Road.

Decisions made by Council will be well publicised through Council Meeting Briefs and as usual the minutes and the webcast will be available to view online at our website.

Pejar Dam

Levels of blue-green algae have returned to normal at Pejar Dam, with it now safe to undertake water activities.

Two consecutive low results have been recorded, therefore Water NSW has lowered the alert level from amber to no alert. Community members are now able to undertake activities as normal including the use of watercraft along with fishing and other water based activities. 

All blue green algae signage has been removed from the dam, and staff will continue to monitor for further blooms of algae in order to maintain safety. 

Goulburn’s usable water storage currently sits at 94.7%.


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