Mayoral Column - 23rd September 2020
Published on 23 September 2020
Vision for Copford Reach
Copford Reach is tucked away behind the Bradfordville Industrial Park, and is a somewhat hidden gem of Goulburn. When speaking with some of our older residents around town it’s remarkable to note how many have great memories of swimming at Copford Reach in their younger days.
Following last week’s council meeting we are now looking to restore the reserve and the waterway to its former glory, and really looking for some innovative ideas that we can potentially put some budget towards in coming years. It will eventually link nicely with our river walkway network, and could be a brilliant spot for the community to enjoy.
A working party will be formed to put forward options and opportunities for redevelopment of the Copford Reach reserve and the waterway, with the goal of catering for a variety of community organisations and the wider community.
Councillors Andrew Banfield and Peter Walker will be members of the working party, along with a representative of the Goulburn Barefoot Waterski Club. General Manager Warwick Bennett, or a delegate on his behalf, will also attend the meetings.
Expressions of interest for two community representatives for the working party are now being sought before 5pm on Friday 3rd October. These should be made in writing and should outline, in no more than one page, the attributes and qualifications you could bring to the working party. You can submit a EOI through our website under the public exhibition section, or they may be emailed to, or addressed to the General Manager and sent by mail to Locked Bag 22, Goulburn, NSW, 2580.
Working towards future of Council Farm
Last week we also made some important decisions regarding the future of our irrigation farm, with a portion of the farm to be leased to Goulburn Campdraft Association and Riding for Disabled Goulburn at a minimal lease charge for a period of fifteen years.
The land leased to the two organisations is approximately 64 hectares in size, and is accessed off Taralga Road. Goulburn Campdraft and Riding for the Disabled will be responsible for their own planning applications, and the establishment and operations of their facilities.
Goulburn Campdraft currently hold one, three day event per year, and propose to construct a Campdraft arena, holding yards, a canteen, office, toilets and showers and associated facilities. Riding for Disabled also propose to construct an undercover sand arena, hay sheds, meeting/eating rooms, an amenities block with disabled access and a car park.
We will now also contact the three submitters who lodged an expression of interest for the public/private partnership for use of other parts of the irrigation farm – they will present back to a Council briefing in late October.
Successful free e-waste weekend
We had a successful free e-waste and appliance weekend at our Waste Management Centres last Saturday and Sunday, and I thought readers may find the numbers interesting; Across the weekend we received 750 mattresses, 198 fridges and freezers, 20 air conditioners and 208 loads of e-waste.
Council would like to thank everyone for their patience, particularly on Saturday when we had big lines and crowds. All items will now be taken away for recycling by various recycling contractors.