Mayoral Column 29th August 2019

Published on 28 August 2019

Marys Mount.PNG

Housing Strategy Update

This week Councillors were involved in a briefing session on the revised Urban & Fringe Housing Strategy. As the community will be aware, the strategy looks at the urban areas of Goulburn and Marulan and identifies opportunities for an additional recommended 3,500 dwellings over the next 18 years to 2036.

The strategy identifies opportunity areas for urban residential land with reticulated water and sewer at a minimum lot size of 700sqm and identifies land suitable for the development of large lot residential land which are typically unserviced and have a minimum lot size of 2 ha. It also identifies some future urban land that will be critical for delivery of housing in the very long term (outside the next twenty years) in both Marulan and Goulburn.

The updated strategy has been fine-tuned following consultation earlier this year where the community, landholders and government agencies had the opportunity to provide feedback.

Looking forward we expect the Draft Urban & Fringe Housing Strategy to come to a council meeting for consideration in early October, with a recommendation to re-exhibit the document. This means the community and all affected stakeholders will have another opportunity to have a say before the strategy is finalised and I would encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity. 

Drop-in at PCYC

Residents may not be aware that a number of community organisations including Anglicare, Headspace, Mission Australia, Pathways and Council combine efforts to host a drop-in afternoon at PCYC Goulburn on the last Friday of each month.

This occurs every month and is free for all high school students. The drop-in runs from 4pm to 8pm and includes free food and different activities each month such as movies, games, drumming and rock climbing.

I’d encourage you to spread the word about this great initiative and get your teenage age children out of the house on a Friday evening with their friends for some fun in a safe environment.

Youth Buskout

If you wander down Auburn Street this Saturday afternoon you will notice the sound of music, as the CBD is filled with noise from the regions talented young musicians.

Buskout, the youth busking festival is on again and open to all school-aged musicians. The event is coordinated by the Goulburn Regional Conservatorium and is free for all to see. Buskers play from 12pm – 2pm with a winners concert at 3pm.

Rail Crossing Upgrades – this weekend

A note to let residents know that temporary rail crossing upgrades will be undertaken this Saturday (31 August) and Sunday (1 September) between 6am and 6pm on both days.

These works will be undertaken at Mills Road, Towrang and Murrays Flat Road, Boxers Creek.

Crossing repairs are also being undertaken at Blackshaw Road, Goulburn from this Saturday until 6pm Tuesday 3rd September – diversions and traffic control will be in place.


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