Mayoral Column 29th July 2020
Published on 29 July 2020
Federal funding for community projects
Huge news for our region last week as we made decisions on how we would utilise a further $1,072,884 funding gained through the Federal Government Local Roads & Community Infrastructure program. The projects must create local employment opportunities and deliver ongoing benefit to the community – while needing to be completed within 12 months by the end of June 2021.
We have moved quickly, and will allocate the money across community based projects which include footpaths in Goulburn, Marulan and Tarago, new public toilets for Tallong and a new amenities building for Cookbundoon Sports Fields. It’s a great opportunity for us to undertake some work in Goulburn, Marulan and Tarago within the next 12 months, which will benefit the vast majority of our community.
$400,000 was allocated to footpath works with a number of renewals planned in Goulburn along with new footpaths in Marulan and Tarago.
New public toilets for Tallong were programmed to be built in 2021/22 financial year but have now been brought forward to be delivered earlier. This will also mean new toilets can be built in Bungonia next financial year.
Council will now also deliver the Cookbundoon Amenities block project which will include new change rooms and toilets for the soccer community. $572,884 has been allocated from the grant program, while Council has brought forward $500,000 from the Community Infrastructure Reserve for this project.
Footpath programme is below:
Goldsmith Street (Auburn St to Bourke St)
Union Street (outside Goulburn North School)
Union Street outside Mobil Service Station
Sydney Road (behind North Goulburn School)
Sloane Street (Verner St to Clinton St)
Clifford Street (Auburn Street to McKell Place)
George Street, Marulan (Brayton Road intersection)
Maclura Drive, Marulan (Morris Pl to Stoney Creek Rd)
Stoney Creek Road, Marulan (Brayton Rd to end)
Bungendore Road, Tarago
Braidwood Road, Tarago
Cracking down on water theft
Council is cracking down on water theft, after a local water delivery company was caught taking water from a fire hydrant last week.
The filling of tankers from hydrants presents a high risk to water quality as there is no protection against backflow from the tanker into the main. This places our customers at high risk of contamination. Council has 3 designated fill points in Goulburn and 1 in Marulan that allows tankers to fill at locations that have backflow protection to protect the water supply from cross contamination.
This is theft not from Council but directly from the community; our ratepayers pay for the use of water and it’s upsetting to see a company taking water from a fire hydrant which is there for the safety and use of Firefighters or Council only. The risk to public health is what is really frustrating, as this could potentially be dangerous for our residents if it occurred.
The company has been fined by Goulburn Mulwaree Council for the theft. If you see somebody other than the Fire Brigade our Council taking water from a fire hydrant we can assure you this is illegal, and would ask that you please call us on 4823 4444 immediately to report it. If you can take a photo with a mobile phone that would be very helpful.