Mayoral Column 30th April 2020

Published on 30 April 2020


Postponing waste disposal weekend

Unfortunately due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Council has had to postpone the free disposal weekend that was due to be held in May, until Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th September. The decision has been made in line with Federal Government restrictions on large gatherings.

I know that the timing for postponing the weekend is not ideal, as many people are using the extra time at home to clean out the shed – however it is absolutely necessary in the current climate.

Council is also aware that the NSW and Federal Government are now looking to relax some restrictions, however this does not yet include large gatherings. We need to play our role as a community leader, and a disposal weekend is simply not possible at the moment.

The good news is that as of Monday 27th April, all of Council’s Waste Management Centres have now resumed normal operating hours.


Thankyou for your efforts

On Friday last week I met with our local members Angus Taylor (Federal) and Wendy Tuckerman (State) via video conference. We are trying to do this regularly to ensure we all stay in touch and are across key projects and issues for our region.

Obviously at the moment much of our discussion centres around COVID-19, and all three of us wanted to publically thank the residents of Goulburn and the wider region for your calm, proactive approach to the COVID-19 pandemic.

National discussion has now turned to progress lifting of restrictions, with this likely to be an evolving situation until a vaccine is found.

I’ve seen the best in our community over the past 6 weeks, as our lives changed instantly. In regular discussions with Police I’ve been told that the vast majority did the right thing, and this has helped slow the spread in our region.

Let us not get complacent however, as we likely have a long path ahead of us. I’m sure we are all looking forward to some relaxing of restrictions, but it is possible that they will need to be tightened again and we should have that in the back of our minds as we continue to practice social distancing in order to stay safe.


After School Zoom Program

Following the success of video conferenced programming during the April School Holidays, Council’s Youth Services team is running online after school programs for high school students throughout term two, beginning next week.

Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday the Youth Services team will run an online program, focused around creation, journaling and games.

All programs are free, and will be run from 3:30pm-4:30pm. To register contact Caitlin or Luke on 4823 4444 or head to our website and visit the youth services page. 


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