Mayoral Column 8th July 2020
Published on 08 July 2020
Return to print
It is wonderful to be back writing a column for the Goulburn Post, as they returned to print editions at the beginning of July.
It is essential as not only a service to our residents and the region, but also as a historical record for us to look back on in future years. We live in an increasingly digital world, where information and entertainment is at our fingertips, but I have to say it felt nice to sit down with a coffee and the newspaper last week and flip through from front to back. You just don’t get that online!
Build resilience into your business
As restrictions ease we have been able to begin planning ahead, with some smaller business events now on the calendar. Council is encouraging businesses from around the region to join one of three free Business Resilience Workshops, which will be run in partnership with Voyager Strategies in late July and early August.
The workshops will focus on looking at how you operate now, thinking about new opportunities and how you might be able to innovate in order to take advantage of them – for a retail business this could mean getting online, or for an engineering business you may think about purchasing a new piece of equipment to help you better service your customers.
It has been an incredibly difficult 6 months for all businesses, as we faced bushfires throughout the summer and then the COVID-19 pandemic. We are hoping business can use these workshops as a reset moment – they will be a great opportunity to think about how you operate and how you might be able to improve your bottom line.
The workshops have been proudly funded by the NSW Government Bushfire Community Resilience and Economic Recovery Fund. They will include lunch and refreshments, and will be held:
Wednesday 29 July 9am – 4pm: Goulburn Mulwaree Civic Centre, 184 Bourke Street, Goulburn
Thursday 30th July 9am – 4pm: Marulan War Memorial Hall, 80 George Street, Marulan.
Tuesday 4th August 12pm – 5pm: The Collective, Cnr Auburn & Market Street, Goulburn.
Head to Council’s website to register.
Extension of organics compost pad
Extension of the organics compost pad at the Goulburn Waste Management Centre has reached the halfway milestone, with the project expected to be completed by September.
The purpose of the project is to increase the area of existing compost pad, in order to be able to hold and process the larger volumes of organic waste now being collected following the FOGO (Food Organics & Garden Organics) bin rollout.
Council is on track to receive approximately 1800 tonnes of organic FOGO waste this year, and this waste pad is key to us being able to handle this waste into the future.
We will be able to comfortably compost the increased volumes we are receiving, eventually being left with a sellable product which will be a brilliant outcome.
Council staff will be undertaking further audit inspections over the coming weeks, and residents are encouraged to call the Waste Info Line on 4823 4417 if they have any questions.
Extension of the compost pad cost $345,181, with 50% of this funding coming through the NSW Government Waste Less, Recycle More initiative.