Organic waste bin rollout to begin
Published on 21 June 2019
Exciting improvements to Goulburn Mulwaree’s organic waste collection service are just around the corner, with the delivery of 10,500 new organic waste bins commencing this week.
The rollout of the new bins will take place from Tuesday 18 June to Friday 5 July for residents in Goulburn and Marulan who currently receive a kerbside waste collection service.
Council was successful in receiving an Environmental Trust grant through the NSW Government’s Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, allowing us to provide each eligible household with a free 240L organic waste bin with a lime green lid, and a kitchen caddy to assist with separation of food waste. The kitchen caddies will be secured to the organic waste bins, which will be delivered to the kerb of each property.
The kitchen caddies can be used with or without compostable bags, which will be available to collect from Council’s Civic Centre at 184 Bourke Street, Goulburn.
From 1 July, the new Council-issued organic waste bins will be emptied on a fortnightly basis as per Council’s Waste Collection Calendar.
Goulburn Mulwaree Mayor, Cr Bob Kirk, said that it was important for residents to use their new kitchen caddies and green bins to dispose of their food waste, rather than putting it into the red bin.
“Up to 30% of what goes into red bins in Goulburn Mulwaree is food waste, which creates toxic methane gas and leachate when it breaks down in landfill. By placing this food waste into the green bin instead, it keeps it out of landfill and allows it to be turned into nutrient-rich compost.”
The material collected in organic waste bins is taken back to Goulburn Waste Management Centre where it will be turned into compost, so it is very important keep all bins free of contaminants such as household garbage, plastic bags and other soft plastics, polystyrene foam, and hazardous material such as sharps, medical waste or asbestos. Council will initially trial a static pile composting method and will investigate alternative processing options to improve the composting process.
Residents who already have an organic waste bin which is not Council-issued are encouraged to keep it and repurpose it, such as using it for storage, or making a DIY compost bin or worm farm.
Households that are part of the kerbside service and have not received their new bin and caddy by 8 July should contact Council’s Waste Info Line on (02) 4823 4417.