Pejar Dam closed due to blue-green algae
Published on 17 April 2020
A recreational Red Alert level warning (high alert) for blue-green algae has been issued for Pejar Dam after recent monitoring showed high concentrations of potential toxin producing cyanobacteria.
Goulburn Mulwaree Council has taken appropriate measures to close Pejar Dam due to this contamination.
A Red Alert level warning indicates that people should not undertake recreational activities where they may come into direct contact with water via activities such as swimming and watercraft or other water based activities. Contact with the water may also pose a threat to livestock and pets.
Warning signs are positioned at key recreational areas around the dam, and will remain in place while high levels of blue-green algae are present.
Goulburn town water supplies remain unaffected and safe to drink, and recreational fishing is not able to be undertaken due to potential contact with the water. Stock and domestic users downstream on the Wollondilly River are advised to avoid extraction of water, or stock watering from any areas where blue-green algae are suspected.
There are two potentially toxic species of blue-green algae identified, both of which may cause gastroenteritis in humans if consumed and skin and eye irritations after contact.
Blue-green algae usually appear as green paint-like scums on the water, near the edges, or as greenish clumps throughout the water. It makes the water appear dirty, green or discoloured and generally has a strong musty or earthy odour.
It is not possible to predict how long the algae will remain at high levels. Regular monitoring by Goulburn Mulwaree Council will continue and the alert will be lifted as soon as the high levels of algae reduces.
People who believe they may have been affected by blue-green algae are advised to seek medical advice.