Rail siding contamination - Tarago

Published on 04 March 2020


Last Thursday, 27th February we were contacted by Transport NSW and alerted to a potential health concern in Tarago. The concern relates to contamination at the rail siding in Tarago, with the construction of the new rail siding disturbing the land, and in the process unearthing and/or disturbing lead.

On Tuesday night (3rd March) Council considered a report on this contamination. Council have demanded much clearer, open information from Government agencies involved in this process to ensure the safety of our community in Tarago – Transport NSW have known about this contamination since July 2019, and have failed to bring it to anyone’s attention.

Council have also called for public briefings in Tarago, and we have now been informed that a meeting will be held at the Tarago Hall next Monday (9 March 2020) at 6.30pm where State Government officials will endeavour to explain the levels of contamination, the extent of that contamination and why they have failed to keep the community informed. Furthermore, Council requires as a matter of urgency that all residents of Tarago and other potentially affected parties be given the opportunity for free blood testing to ascertain if any further people are affected by the contamination.

It seems the issue has arisen because land has been disturbed to construct the new rail siding in Tarago.  We have been informed that one site that has been tested is 10-15 times above the safe health threshold limits for lead contamination.

Our residents and businesses deserve to have all the information conveyed to them, so that you aren’t concerned about yours and your family’s wellbeing. Furthermore Council has called for further information on proposed future remediation works that will be required to remove or remediate all lead contamination of land in the area.

Council will keep residents and the wider community updated as further information comes to hand, and encourage residents of Tarago to attend the public meeting next Monday 9th March.


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