River rejuvenation project

Published on 21 April 2020

Flood February 2020 (42).JPG

Significant river rejuvenation work will begin this week at stage two of the Wollondilly River Walkway, between Kenmore Street and the Tully Park Bridge on Chantry Street.

The work has been funded predominantly through the NSW Environmental Trust, who have contributed $81,815, with Goulburn Mulwaree Council also contributing $22,000 through cash contribution and in-kind works.

Mayor Bob Kirk said the rejuvenation will significantly improve flow through the river around this area.

“The project will involve restoring this section of the Wollondilly River, which is currently degraded by willow and blackberry infestation, bringing it back to life.

“Stage two begins with the magnificent elevated walkway between Kenmore Street and Joshua Street, and goes right around Tully Park Golf Course. The clean-up of this section of river will be beneficial for water flow and for the environment.”

Work begins this week, and will progress periodically over the next 18 months on both sides of the river. The project will also include removal of noxious weeds as well as embankment stabilisation and native replanting.

At times the Wollondilly Walking Track will be impacted, pedestrian diversions will be put in place around the works during these times and Council would like to thank the community in advance for their cooperation.


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