Steampunk Victoriana Fair Cancelled
Published on 19 June 2020
At an Ordinary Goulburn Mulwaree Council meeting held on Tuesday 16 June, 2020, it was determined that the 2020 Steampunk Victoriana Fair not proceed in light of COVID-19 restrictions and uncertainty around when restrictions on events and festivals may ease.
It was also determined that the budget for the 2020 event be transferred to an Events Reserve for use towards the 2021 event or an alternate event at the Goulburn Historic Waterworks.
Coordinators of the Fair, Julianne Salway and Angela Remington said “We were looking forward to hosting this year’s Fair, however we understand why this decision was made. A multitude of considerations went into making this decision, in particular the health and safety of those involved in running the Fair, as well as that of the attendees”.
“We look forward to planning a bigger and better Steampunk Victoriana Fair in 2021 and we can’t wait to welcome back the style, the flair, stunning creativeness and smiling faces”.
In light of this decision, the Coordinators plan to hold a ‘Makers & Inventions Market’ in March 2021. Details for this event are yet to be confirmed.
“We hope many of our Steampunk fans will be able to join us at the Market which will coincide with our March ‘Steaming Day’. We will release further information on this event as planning continues later in the year”.
The 2021 Steampunk Victoriana Fair will be held on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th October, 2021. For more information on the Fair, visit: