Wakefield Park Statement - 23rd February 2022

Published on 23 February 2022

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The appeal lodged by Wakefield Park against the development consent granted by Council to operate a major Recreation Facility (Major) at Goulburn will be held next month in the Land and Environment Court. Council has been very keen for over five years to reach a compromise and a workable solution to ensure Wakefield Park can live in harmony with its neighbours and continue to operate a successful and profitable business. Nobody, including the neighbours, have ever wanted Wakefield Park to stop operating as we all agree that this facility is good for the greater Goulburn Mulwaree economy. 

One agreement that has been reached, and that is reflective of the original consent issued in 1993, is that noise levels are never to exceed 95 dB(A) when measured 30 meters from the track. Since November 2021, Wakefield Parks own monitoring equipment (noted on their website) has recorded that this threshold has continually been breached.

Last weekend (18-20 February 2022) Wakefield Park recorded noise well in excess of this limit in excess of 500 times, ultimately reaching a maximum of 124.1dB(A). To provide perspective, 130 dB(A) is equivalent to a jumbo jet taking off.

Council has issued Wakefield Park with a show-cause notice seeking an explanation as to why further regulatory action should not be pursued.  


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