Wakefield Park development application approved
Published on 14 July 2021
Goulburn Mulwaree Council has approved a development application for alterations and additions to Wakefield Park. The decision occurred last night at the resumption of Extraordinary Meeting 22nd June 2021.
The approved development will allow construction of a new pit lane building, a new off-road experience, ongoing use of visitor accommodation facilities, carrying out of general purpose markets 12 times a year and a number of other additions.
New facilities will consist of an additional 14 garages, space for corporate functions, race control and commentary boxes and terrace space among other additions. Water management infrastructure for the new building and off-road experience area are also part of the development application.
Council has also included noise limits as a condition of consent, with four different categories of noise being red, amber, green and blue. Included in the condition is a transition period over a three year period commencing 1st January 2022.
At conclusion of this period, in the year commencing 1st January 2024, Wakefield Park will be limited to 30 days per calendar year with noise not to exceed 95 decibels, and a further 100 days with noise not to exceed 85 decibels. The table outlining this condition is available to view in full in figure 1 on page two.
Council stated that the first weekend of each month and at least one weekday each week must be a blue category weekend (noise not to exceed 75 decibels) to provide some relief for close by residents. Wakefield Park with this consent are able to operate for 363 days of the year, with only Christmas Day & Good Friday as days the facility cannot operate.
In order to provide certainty to affected receivers with regard to actual noise levels experienced during each event category, Council also clearly outlined the noise limits which shall not be exceeded in each category at certain residences.
An events calendar is to be developed and made publicly available on the Wakefield Park Raceway’s website. This calendar needs to present a minimum of the forthcoming three month period and be colour coded using the categories Council have included in the consent.
Council outlined clearly the process for noise monitoring which must be undertaken during all events, with the monitor to be positioned at a point not less than 42m from the edge of the track. Real time access to this data must be accessible by Council 24 hours a day.
Staff were also asked to bring a report back to Council to consider rezoning Wakefield Park as an appropriate recreational zone as part of the next LEP review.
The full conditions of consent will be made available in the minutes of the meeting.