Water Main Construction - Bourke St Road Crossings

Published on 04 September 2020

Bourke St Crossings.JPG

As part of Council’s commitment and ongoing improvement to water quality, Council will be undertaking works for the installation of a new water main along Bourke St from Bradley St to Clifford St. Killard Infrastructure are the contractors who have been engaged for these works.

These works involve 4 road crossings, 3 of which are on Bourke St and one across Goldsmith St in front of the Caltex. Night Works are to commence on the 14th of September and continue for 2 weeks.

Traffic control will be in place for any road closures and detours needed for the works as well as any pedestrian management requirements. However if you require specific assistance please speak to the traffic control officer or the site supervisor for the works.

Should you wish to discuss the abovementioned further, please contact:

  • Mohamed Nilar on 02 4823 4804 (Project Engineer - Goulburn Mulwaree Council)
  • Cedric Berger on 0490 389 178 (Project Engineer – Killards Infrastructure)

Thankyou for your patience


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