Weed Control - Spring 2019
Published on 08 October 2019
Please be advised that Council will be undertaking weed control on the following rural roads during October 2019”
Willandra lane, Coven Creek Road, Inverlochy Road, St Clair Road, Taylors Creek Road, Currawang Road, Thornford Road, Komungla Siding Road, Stillwater Road, Lucky Pass Road, Bungendore Road, Collector Road, Browns Lane.
Rural road side shoulder spray will occur on Mt Baw Baw Road, Gurrundah Road, Range Road and Mountain Ash Road.
Glyphosate and/or selective chemical will be used as necessary to control various noxious weeds including St John’s Wort, Serrated Tussock, Blackberry and African Lovegrass.
Grant funded weed control will be undertaken on Cullulla Road, Mayfield Road, Windellama Road and Brisbane Grove Road. Target species include serrated tussock, African love grass and Chilean needle grass.
Council will also be undertaking broadleaf and general weed control on various sports fields and reserves including but not limited to Carr Confoy Oval, Apex Park BMX Track, O’Brian park, Manfred Park, Marden Weir, Eastgrove South, North park, Hudson Oval, Pell and Seiffert Ovals, median strips throughout the city, Cookbundoon, City Rose Gardens, Dog Parks and Goulburn CBD. Glyphosate and/or selective herbicides will be used appropriate to the weed and the situation.
For more information, please contact Council’s Parks Coordinator at Councils operations Department on 48234 538 or via email to christopher.toole@goulburn.nsw.gov.au